Wedding Directory Logo and Website Graphics



The Dream Wedding website features a directory of wedding related blogs written by wedding suppliers.  The website is aimed at couples planning their wedding or sourcing wedding related services.


Design a romantic and graceful logo with accompanying typography to be used in a website header, website graphics and various social media applications.

  • Logo design
  • Website header
  • Website graphics
  • Source stock photographs

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Dream Wedding Directory WebsiteDream Wedding Website TitleDream Wedding Directory Graphics


Marriage is about unity, 2 becoming 1, romance and commitment, and I wanted to reflect this in my logo design.  Originally I was resistant to use hearts, although they are very familiar and a well known symbol of love.  I felt that interlinked hearts are overused and would not reflect the style and elegance of the Dream Wedding website design.  While looking for stock photographs for use on the website, I was inspired by a piece of stock art which used a flowing length of ribbon to create an abstract shape of a single heart.  I started sketching hearts and using one continuous line, finally drawing the two hearts nestled inside each other.  Tilting the hearts onto their side accentuated their shape, appeared more stable and made better use of space.

The text was chosen to add a touch of formality to the logo, with the word ‘Dream’ being written in a softer handwritten font to provide contrast to the more factual font of ‘Wedding Directory’.  Finally I selected a brown gradient for the logo background colour.  Dark brown is a very rich and inviting colour and it’s strength allowed me to display the logo in white, which complimented the use of white space in the website design.  The abstract nature of the hearts in the Dream Wedding logo allow it to be displayed in a variety of colour combinations that enable variation in the website graphics.